what is your ultimate craft?

I’ve been thinking about the ultimate craft. You know the one. It’s the craft that you do to the exclusion of all others. The craft that takes up all your spare time (and cash). The one that gives you withdrawal symptoms if you can’t get to it for a couple of days. The one that you become really proficient at (or not). The one that makes you ooh and aah over new supplies or alternative techniques. The one that constantly has you on the lookout for new projects for it. The one that leaves you gasping in disbelief when you hear someone remark that they can’t stand that craft. The one that helps you relax and forget the worries and stress of everyday life.
I’m still subconsciously searching for my own ultimate craft. I’ve tried many crafts during my lifetime and with each one I thought I might have found the craft for me but I always moved on to something else. Going back to any craft after an extended absence has not made me think it could now be the all-encompassing one although it was often lovely to visit again and again. I’ve amassed lots of skills during my search, skills that have given me confidence to try different unrelated things and which have enabled me to occasionally help others to have a go at something. The search has been a life-long pleasure even if I haven’t yet found the ultimate craft for me. Maybe I’ll never find it. Perhaps for me it doesn’t exist. Does it matter? Probably not, but I won’t give up looking. Who knows what I may find along the way? Have you found yours? Do you even think we each need an ultimate craft? Do tell.

10 Responses to “what is your ultimate craft?”

  1. future garage Says:

    Not what I was expecting but excellent anyway! Well done!

  2. e1aine Says:

    Jewellery making. I flirt with all the others, but end up back with the beads each time.

  3. mrs fringe Says:

    I think my ultimate craft isn’t a craft, it’s the care and keeping of my coral reef tank. Constantly evolving, growing, changing, it’s the project that never ends but doesn’t get boring. πŸ™‚

    • crunchnrustle Says:

      I always thought a reefer was a whacky baccy cigarette until I read your blog! I disagree that reefing isn’t a craft and it’s a much more delicate one than any I’ve ever undertaken. Will you post photos of your reef tank any time soon?

  4. fascinationbyellesantos Says:

    That’s a very good question. I like crafts in general and would love to have the time to try them all. Never thought about one day finding the one… πŸ˜‰ Maybe one day. Do you have a favourite?

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