a few words…

On a bag for those who don’t know what to use a bag for. A couple of flowers on the back for some frivolity. Calico for the outer and a remnant of blackout curtain fabric for the lining. This will go on sale at the Red Cross shop this week.

hoots man!

Having lots of fun with free-motion this week.

Raw edge applique on cotton.
Free-motion scarecrow coloured with Inktense blocks.

handy tote bags

I did two more applique pieces to complement the two pieces I showed in the previous post and then turned them into two tote bags. The little hen is supposed to be carrying a suitcase!

applique fun

I stitched these two free-motion appliques yesterday to be the front and back of one tote bag but I now think it would be better for each applique to be on a separate bag with a complementary image on the reverse side. Time to look through my scraps again.

Appliqued rooster approx 10″ x 10″ (25 x 25 cm)
Appliqued dog head approx 7″ x 7″ (18 x 18 cm)