needlepoint sampler #2

Yesterday I finished the needlepoint sampler, added a fabric border and attached it to the footstool. Taa Daa! I’m not sure how well it might wear but it adds a nice splash of colour to an otherwise plain carpeted floor. I deliberately aimed for a different stitch in each of the forty areas but as I was typing the stitch list I noticed that I’d used Tent stitch in two sections. Too late now to unpick one of them but I won’t lose any sleep over it. I quite enjoyed doing this but it might be a while before I attempt any of the projects in the charity shop book that got me started on this in the first instance. Stitches used are listed below with the name that was given in the source I found it in but you may know some stitches by other names. If you spot any glaring errors between what stitch I claim to have used and what I actually stitched, please let me know!


needlepoint sampler

I bought twenty Appleton’s crewel wool hanks in a sale a few years ago and acquired a book or two on crewel embroidery with the intention of stitching up some fabulous work but nothing fabulous has yet materialised. However, finding two bags stuffed with crewel wool in one of my favourite charity shops was too good an opportunity to pass up and when less than an hour later I spotted a book* on needlepoint in another charity shop and liked one or two of the projects shown using crewel wool, I had to buy that too.

It took me an afternoon to sort through the new hoard and bag them up into colour groups as per Appleton’s chart. Before starting any project from the book, I’m stitching a sampler and when it’s finished I plan to upholster my workroom footstool with it. I’m keeping a note of which stitches I’m using and where and I’ll show that when I’ve finished. As you can see in the sampler image, I’m not too fussy about which colours go where – this piece is mainly about the stitches.

*The book is simply titled Needlepoint and the author is Sarah Windrum.

home again

Home again yesterday after three weeks of voluntary maid service to Big Sis following her extremely successful hip replacement operation, and this morning it was strange not to have Jasper greet me with much tail wagging. This was him before he had his coat clipped a few days after I arrived and he seems to be saying “Haircut? What haircut? No-one mentioned a haircut. Is it open to negotiation?”. It wasn’t and he was duly coiffed into a slightly neater version of what he looks like here, but his coat seems to grow so quickly there’s already talk of another trim this weekend.

Sadly, my camera repair is going to cost half as much again as the repair shop assistant suggested it was worth spending on the repair and as I’ve had it six years and camera technology has advanced a little more, I’m looking for a replacement instead. I’ll have to make do with my phone camera for the time being. I just wish I could retain all the phone techy camera stuff I learn from time to time and not have to refer to the internet for refresher lessons each time!

Painting the Roses Red didn’t get stitched at all while I was away except on the journey north, and I haven’t taken any update photos yet. I had also taken some aida fabric and crochet cottons to try blackwork which was a new technique for me. I only had a few colour options but I quite enjoyed the process and found it easier than cross-stitch but doubt that I’ll do much more blackwork in the future. I can’t see myself ever needing a bell-pull or a tray cloth or yet another needle case which were the suggestions in one book.